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Welcome to the ‘Congruence Engine’ blog. This will be the place to come if you’re curious about how the project is developing, what we’re thinking about and what’s going on. We plan to make this a place for discussion, not just exposition, so expect pieces with more than one voice; people in discussion about what emerges, and what matters as our investigation unfolds. This desire to expose the dialogues at the heart of what we’re doing arises directly from one of the key aspects of our work here: to develop the common understanding and language – between curators, historians and digital people – about collections and digital tools that is necessary to deliver our project aims. Understanding the importance of dialogue was one of the findings of our previous project Heritage Connector as you can see in the project’s final webinar. We will build on our first experiment in this form in the blog for that project.

The Congruence Engine is one of five ‘Discovery Projects’ funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council under the ‘Towards a National Collection’ funding stream.